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Oct 4, 2010

Journal #2 "Join the Flock!" & "Enhance Your Twitter Experience" (NETS-T3)

Ferguson, H. (2010). Learning and leading with technology. Join the flock., Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-september-october.aspx

McClintock Miller, S. (2010). Learning and leading with technology. Enhance your twitter experience, Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-september-october.aspx

In these two articles it discusses PLN and how to use twitter as an educational tool. PLN is also know as personal learning network and it is basically a community of individuals around the world who are learning together, and twitter is a virtual meeting place to build your PLN. As the article suggests, in order to have a PLN a person must be committed. 

Q1:How can twitter help me as a future teacher?
A1:  Twitter can help you, by helping you connect to the people around the world who are teachers. Twitter serves as a virtual meeting place to meet other people who may share the same interests as you, such as education. One way to connect to other educators is by following people, that you know by their tweets that they are educators, or interested in educating. By following those educators, you are able to see their tweets, and links to helpful resources they may have seen, but you haven't. So then twitter is helpful because it exposes you to new ideas that other people with the same interests that you have.

Q2: How can twitter be used among students in a classroom? 
A2:  Students can use twitter to help them communicate with classmates and tweet links to class related sites and be able to help each other by sharing things they have learned or has helped them.  They could also share their questions they have, and communicate to each other about those questions. By providing a hash tag for the students to put in their tweets, the teacher would also be able to see what the questions the students have, and any problems they are encountering in their homework's', if they have any, that way the teacher is able to help the students more.

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