Green, T, Donovan , L, & Bass, K. (2010). Taking laptops schoolwide: a professional learning community approach. Learning and Leading with Technology, Retrieved from
Researchers found out that the schools who's plans were to help organize what each grade level will learn and also by incorporating a laptop,the students at these schools were then able to build on skills learned from the previous year (grade), instead of using laptops the same way without building skills. Also teacher collaboration is very important, for example if a student learns a skill earlier than they are supposed to usually have learned it by, the teacher would then let the next grade teacher know that the student doesn't need to be taught that specific skill they already know, that way the student avoids the repetition of information and can learn something new. PLC(Professional Learning Community) approach to planning was more learning than teaching based. Where teachers meet weekly to discuss students data and progress in the class. Before doing such approach, the article suggested four factors, the school climate (support of teachers and parents), communication(importance of communicating to others about success stories of laptop use schools), collaboration and progressive use(plan).
Q1: Why might PLC (Professional Learning Community) be important in the classroom?
Q1: Why might PLC (Professional Learning Community) be important in the classroom?
A1: PLC would be important in the classroom because it would help monitor the students very well and more closely, as well as keep them on the right track and keep them learning everyday something new. It is also important in the classroom because teachers would be able to know how well or how far a student is in their studies when they enter a grade level, because the previous teacher and the new current teacher would discuss the student and make sure they are learning something new.
Q2: How might students in low-income schools be able to use technoloyg in their classrooms?
Q2: How might students in low-income schools be able to use technoloyg in their classrooms?
A2: The Teachers can help the students get technology and also help go toward the PLC approach by informing everyone about the approach and perhaps have a funding event with parents included to help raise money for laptops and technology tools. In order to have much more money donated perhaps, teachers and students can make a presentation about the PLC approach and show how it will influence them greatly.
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