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Hello Educ 422 class! My Name is Crystal Villalobos. I was born and raised in Escondido, California. I have attended my elementa...

Dec 1, 2010

Journal #9: Taming the Chaos (NETS-T-2)

Johnson , D. (2010). Learning & leading with technology. Taming the Chaos, Retrieved from http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading/201011?pg=22&search_term=taming%20the%20chaos&search_term=taming%20the%20chaos#pg22 
Basically this article discusses how to manage technology distractions in the classroom. They offered different ways of fixing this issues. First, to ban it, but also it can be that it becomes less effective as a growing number of educators and parents and students see the educational value of devices such as cell phones, etc. Second, do business as usual, as the article says,  so therefore basically we should not ignore the students who are being distracted because it would not be engaging them into the classroom as it is a teachers job to do so. Thirdly, Limit the use of technologies, so therefore the article states to set reasonable rules. One good example I found by the author, was to put the students to listen to music whiled they are not working on anything, instead of them being distracted by conversations to text messages.  Fourthly, Enhance traditional practices. Lastly use the technology to restructure the educational process, so for example encourage inquiry based problem solving, and other things like interaction with students from other countries and cultures.

Question #1:  What does the author mean by enhance traditional practices and how would this help manage technology distractions in the classroom? 
Answer: I believe the author means by enhance traditional practices that things such as lectures for example could be posted online where students can access it through their phone or computer, so therefore using technology in a educational way. Also instead of assigning textbook readings in the book, perhaps online would be a good idea to enhance traditional practices into technology. Therefore I believe that it will help manage distractions (technology) in the classroom by providing the students with other ways of using their phones or computers, instead of their own personal way. Therefore although they may be on the computer or on their cell phone they would be using it in an educational way and therefore it would be a educational distraction, and therefore a better distraction than using the devices for personal use at the time of class.

Question #2: What do you believe would eliminate all distractions ?
Answer: I don't believe there would be any type of thing that would eliminate all distractions because as we have seen in the past, doodling on paper, and looking out the classroom window have been distractions way before the devices used now, so technology is not the issue, so its more of how you manage your classroom, setting rules and watching students making sure they don't zone out too much. Just pretty much being aware of who's paying attention and who's not, and trying to offer the students with distractions of technology ways to use the device with an educational purpose.

Nov 30, 2010

Wiki Page(NETS-T-3)

This is a wiki page that I created using web 2.0, and I explored a tool called Memiary. In this wiki page I was able to include how to use the tool, my recommendations, and a example of a piece of work I did using the tool.

Nov 9, 2010

Journal #8 "Succeeding at Math" -NETS-T-2

Huffmyer, S. (2008). Learning and leading with technology. Succeeding at Math, Retrieved from http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading/200811?pg=36&pm=2&fs=1#pg36

Scott Huffmyer an educator, has many students that have never excelled at school, actually very below average. He needed to monitor the activity of all his students but also a way to provide personalized instruction to his students needing additional help. NetOP allows teachers to monitor activity on computers and the author was able to have the IT department figure out a way of marrying NetOP and SmartHelp. So after it was figured out, he was able to help students with their work and monitor what they are seeing at the same time. Smarthelp helps students with math problems and problem solving skills.
Question #1: 
How does SmartHelp motivate students? 
Smarthelp helps motivate students by helping them see that they can succeed and excel, therefore by making a student feel confident by helping them succeed they will be more motivated to learn. With smarthelp students are given new to look at solving math by being taught by Smarthelp a five step problem solving process, that breaks down any problem into manageable steps.

Question #2
Would I as a future educator use the Smarthelp and NetOP tool, & why? 
Yes I would use the Smarthelp and NetOP tool because it is a good way to monitor students and help students with problems from my own computer, rather than dealing with running around the room looking for students to help, the students would suggest help, and I would reply through the computer. This can also avoid students from not asking questions, because usually students are embarrassed to ask questions in front of the classroom, and by asking it through the computer the teacher would be the only one who sees it and answer it. The only thing is that if someone else is having the same problem, the teacher would have to explain it multiple of times, but to avoid this the teacher may stop the class and let them all know that someone had a question about this, and then give the solution to all the students, without naming the student who asked the question.

Nov 3, 2010

Journal #6 " Change Agent" - NETS -T- 3

Summary: Will Richardson a former teacher turned tech expert says teachers should have a visible presence on the web because not only can teachers become models for students but also if you are findable you can learn with others new things and current up to date things. Also Richardson says that a lot of educators don't see the opportunities of sharing their things online and they don't share because of this unseen opportunity. Therefore like Richardson says, it is important to share with others so that we all learn together. Also it is important as a school administer to show teachers that sharing is important and model to them as being very transparent in online learning activities. Also from the article/interview, I learned that kids today although they use facebook and YouTube, they still don't know how to learn with these technologies or how to connect to others by learning  instead of socially. Also Richardson argues that we don't give kids what they want to read and that's what they need to be readers. If Richardson were a principal looking for teachers, he would pick learners moreover than teachers, who are asking why instead of how. Its more about what you know you can do with what you learned rather than the content, as Richardson suggests.

Question #1: What is Network Literacy and why is it important?
It is that students should be able to create navigate and grow their own personal learning networks but in a safe, effective and also ethical ways, as Will Richardson suggests. It is important because students could be open to many opportunities that are not restricted to a particular place and time.

Question #2: Why should schools be more about what Richardson describes they should be, rather than like for instance mainly state assessments scores?
Richardson describes schools should be more learning about things that relate or are relevant to them and able to understand what they are learning rather than having the right answer to tests to show the state assessments that we know the content. I agree with Richardson, that students should be learning more about relevant things, but also that they should still be learning about content, but perhaps through technology.

Oct 12, 2010

Journal #5 "Teaching with Twitter" -(NETS-T 3)

Wheeler, S. (2009, January 2). Teaching with twitter. Retrieved from http://steve-wheeler.blogspot.com/2009/01/teaching-with-twitter.html
Link to this article: 

In this article, the author speaks about their top 10 uses of twitter for education. Some were similar to other online resources I've seen, such as google documents and some I found new, that I never have heard of. Some ways to use twitter for education is by twit board, where students are notified of changes to course content, schedules, venues, or other important information. Another one was "summing up"- which is asking students to read an article or chapter then post a brief summary of the key points. Their was also twit links, which is for students to share a hyperlink, and students can be required to regularly share on new hyperlink to a useful website they found. So in all there was many ways to use twitter for education.

Q1: What is Lengua Tweets? And how can this be helpful in a classroom?

A1: Lengua tweets is when you tweet something in a foreign language and ask others to respond in the same language or in their native language. This could be helpful in a foreign language class to learn the language in perhaps a new way students never used, therefore they may be more willing to use it.

Q2: How can twitter stalking help in a government class?

A1: Twitter stalking is following a famous person and document their progress. Therefore in a government class students can follow a president or nominees for the presidential election and see their progress. Maybe even get links to their speeches.